Dear Trader,
I learn something about trading every day. Some days I re-learn what I already knew,
but every trading day and every trade, win or lose, teaches me a valuable lesson.
Many of you have asked me to share lessons I have learned.
After all, in over 40 years of being involved in trading, research and market timing
in stocks and futures I've learned many lessons.
And I believe that my experiences and lessons learned can help you,
no matter if you're a new trader,or a seasoned veteran (unless you've been trading
longer than I have,in which case I might learn something from you).
During the years I have had many requests to compile my LESSONS LEARNED
into a book or a diary - and I'm doing just that - BUT I have an even better opportunity
to offer you. It's called WHAT I LEARNED TODAY.
Here's how it works!
Every week day at the END of the day, usually in the afternoon or evening I will write and send you by email my LESSON LEARNED FOR THE DAY.
At times the lesson will be brief - at times it will be longer.
The lesson will be TIMELY and it will relate specifically to what happened that day,
or what I expect to happen the next day in a given market or markets.
Here are the highlights of what may be covered: |