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Dear Trader,

I learn something about trading every day. Some days I re-learn what I already knew,
but every trading day and every trade, win or lose, teaches me a valuable lesson.
Many of you have asked me to share lessons I have learned. 
After all, in over 40 years of being involved in trading, research and market timing
in stocks and futures I've learned many lessons. 
And I believe that my experiences and lessons learned can help you,
no matter if you're a new trader,or a seasoned veteran (unless you've been trading
longer than I have,in which case I might learn something from you).
During the years I have had many requests to compile my LESSONS LEARNED
into a book or a diary - and I'm doing just that - BUT I have an even better opportunity
to offer you. It's called WHAT I LEARNED TODAY. 

To See a Few Samples of what my Daily Report will look like...

Here's how it works!
Every week day at the END of the day, usually in the afternoon or evening I will write and send you by email my LESSON LEARNED FOR THE DAY.  
At times the lesson will be brief - at times it will be longer. 
The lesson will be TIMELY and it will relate specifically to what happened that day,
or what I expect to happen the next day in a given market or markets. 

Here are the highlights of what may be covered:



  • Technical signals and/or observations
  • Annotated charts may be included as needed
  • I may comment on trader psychology and/or market psychology
  • I will include my thought process and organization aspects as needed
  • All subjects - technical, fundamental and psychological are fair game
  • I will do my best to share with you VALID and actionable learning experiences
  • All designed to help you learn to earn more and with less effort

At times my words may even be inspirational, but they will always be relevant
and directed at real issues for real traders. from a real trader.
I offer this new service to you as my little experiment for the next 3 months, daily
at 5 days a week by email.  Join me in this learning adventure

See the appropriate links below to subscribe.


PS. About 1 commission per day, you will get huge benefits every day... starting Monday, 18 July.




choose the appropriate link below,
or call the office: Ph 831-430-0600
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for this purchase, click here
WHAT I LEARNED TODAY Current Clients - $189
Click here to register
WHAT I LEARNED TODAY Non-Clients - $349
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